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Our Bovan Brown girls lay over 10,000 eggs each day,  – you can be assured that they are kept to the highest welfare standards in the industry. We have regular audits from Laid In Britain, Freedom Food (a branch of the RSPCA) and the BEIC (British Egg Industry Council).

The hens live in an insulated mobile hen house.  From here they eat, drink, sleep, lay eggs, and roam over 10 acres of herb rich grasses with natural shrubs and cover.

Our hens are Free Range, not organic or cage. Free Range means the hens have access to grass fields to range, roam, scratch, dust bath etc.  Our choice of farming at Cornhill Farm ensures there is no restriction to access the entire range, and by growing extra game cover crops and flower species on the herb rich pasture on the range, it encourages the bees and insects too, whilst ensuring the girls feel safe from predators out on the range.

Ultimately, they behave like every chicken should, and the big benefit you’ll notice is the taste of the eggs and the deep colour of the yolk – that comes from happy hens, eating worms and grubs from the fields.

We make our own feed for the hens; they eat 13 tonnes a week! We firmly believe growing crops on our balanced and healthy soils, makes the best quality corn which we feed straight back to the hens, giving you the tastiest eggs around – so tasty in fact that that our Large eggs were awarded Gold in the Taste of the West Awards 2021!

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