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We’re at the early stages of an experiment in human-scale diverse grain using locally adapted, heritage and population mixes.  We’ve sourced grains suited to the Cornish climate and landscape from local growers and seed banks as far away as Canada. The plan is to build up seed stocks of those at the same time as growing population mixes resilient to climate change.  We’ve even thrown in a strip of quinoa and amaranth and we’re experimenting with intercropping pulses and using living mulches too.  Current jobs are keeping an eye on what’s already sown, at the same time as exploring the best way to harvest, thresh, winnow, process and store the grains.  With upwards of 50% of global calories coming from grains, they’re absolutely critical to community food resilience, and we’re excited to be learning together whilst we go.  Anyone at all interested is absolutely welcome to get involved – just drop Duncan an email