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Jo and Dom took over carclew Barton in the summer of 2022. Since then they have added rare breed Devon and cornwall long wool sheep, pure toggenburg dairy goats, Indian runner ducks and an ever growing flock of laying hens producing a variety of coloured and speckled eggs. All livestock and poultry are raised organically, in our 2nd year of conversion certified with the soil association and the farm is higher welfare accredited with the SRUC. Our hens are pastured, which means they are moved daily onto fresh grass, which ensures constant access to fresh and healthy forage. Our birds and animals are the heart of our farm and are loved and looked after to the highest standard.


We are also growing a variety of organic fruit and veg in our market garden and polytunnels. We hope that in the near future we will be able a variety of produce to accompany our eggs. Alongside this we are also creating new farm derived bio materials for a number of new products.


Instagram @carclew.barton


IMPORTANT! All items in your basket will be AUTOMATICALLY ordered at the relevant deadline (for more information on specific deadlines and how to use our ordering system click here)

How it works - read more

Collective shopping is a revolutionary new idea. The aim of the game is that collectively, we can order enough shares of a given product in order to buy it in bulk from our suppliers.

  • Use the blue quantity adjustment buttons to adjust how many shares you would like buy.
  • Use the pink "extra maybe" buttons to indicate how many shares you would be willing to buy in order to make up the required number of shares and complete the set. These will be discarded if other people contribute enough shares.
  • If the price is marked with an asterisk, e.g. £1.50*, then the final price charged may vary slightly depending on the product received from the supplier.
  • Red shares are available to fill and show that the set has not yet been started.
  • Amber shares may be fulfilled if more comrades contribute shares to the set.
  • Green shares indicate that the set has been completed and orders will definitely be fulfilled. Empty green shares show either that we have the item in stock so we can also definitely fulfil any orders placed or that only 1 share is need to complete the set.
  • If the avatar is faded this indicates an 'extra maybe' share.

IMPORTANT - Once you have added a product to your order, there is not a secondary confirmation stage such as a checkout. Instead, each item has an order deadline which varies by supplier. Any items in your order (basket/cart) will be automatically ordered and confirmed once the deadline for that item has passed and you will not be able to make any amendments for that item after that time. If you wish to amend an order, you will need to do so before the deadline for that product has ended. If, for whatever reason you need to cancel your order, please get in touch with us via email.

Free Range Cornish Duck eggs

£3.25 / 6 eggs

Product Code: CB_004

Supplier: Carclew Barton

Brand: Carclew Barton

Origin: UK

Free range duck eggs
Raised organically
Our runner ducks have free range of our market garden during the day and help to keep the slugs at bay! Ducks can be a little mucky which means so can their eggs. We do not wash their eggs to maintain the protective bloom which helps them last longer and stay fresh. Please wash before use.

A member that has ordered in this cycle

Quantity available is limited to 4 shares in addition to any stock that may be available.

Organic pastured Cornish Eggs

£3.06 / 6 eggs

Product Code: CB_001

Supplier: Carclew Barton

Brand: Carclew Barton

Origin: UK

Organically certified eggs

A member that has ordered in this cycle

Quantity available is limited to 10 shares in addition to any stock that may be available.

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