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Producing sustainable food for the community has been part of the vision for Loveland ever since its founding. In November 2021, the commercial vegetable plots started to be created. Separate from the community beds, these plots grow food not-for-profit, to support Loveland. Whilst being coordinated by Finn, the project maintains the Loveland spirit by being community-led and requiring community involvement. The project offers an opportunity to engage with food growing and learn about truly sustainable growing methods. 

You can currently find our produce in our online grocery and the Loveland roadside stall which is restocked every Monday and Thursday. We also provide our produce for our own events, the FFC Kitchen and businesses in the local area.

If you’d like us to supply your business email Finn (

If you'd like to get involved with the commercial plot come and join a volunteer session (every Wednesday 10-3pm). Everyone is welcome.