The charcoal made by Tom and Nick is so much better than what you get at supermarkets and petrol stations! Not only is it produced sustainably in a beautiful traditional 8-foot ring kiln right outside Falmouth, it doesn't make your BBQ halloumi, sweetcorn or sausages taste like paraffin. It is easy to light due to the quality of the wood used to make it - more from Tom and Nick:
It contains a mixture of woods, perfect for getting your BBQ to light quickly and easily without firelighters (willow, sycamore, birch), and then keep it burning for a long time (oak, beech and sweet chestnut). The material for our charcoal is coppice grown and therefore carbon neutral and 100% sustainable. Because coppicing replies on the regrowth from the stumps rather than re-planting it can be cut again and again (forever) as soon as it reaches a useful size.

Coppicing is an extremely sustainable woodland management technique practised in Britain since prehistoric times, and selected by the Cornwall Wildlife Trust (who own the land) as the best way to manage the woodland for biodiversity and conservation benefits.

Working Woodlands Cornwall will restore Devichoys wood to a productive coppice that is a valuable asset to the local community – producing firewood, charcoal and many more woodland products.

Devichoys Wood Nature Reserve is an ancient, semi-natural woodland (Sessile Oak with Hazel, Holly and Rowan understory) with a long history of coppicing and charcoal burning. Active management appears to have ceased around 1940 resulting in the current neglected state of the wood.

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