Working for the Cornish Seaweed Company has got to be one of the best jobs in the world! We accompanied the harvest team on one of their trips down to the Lizard peninsular. The photographer even got a ride on the speed boat!!

With the clean and wild Cornish coast as our playground, we scour its rocky shores in search for the highest quality seaweeds. All of which are harvested, washed, dried and packaged by hand, ensuring the highest quality using artisanal practices.

Did you know that you do not need to use pesticides, fresh water, or fertiliser to grow seaweeds, which are among the most productive plants in the world?

It is important to acknowledge the importance of seaweeds for marine life and we need to balance this with its use by humans. Our harvest methods reflect this: We only take a part of each seaweed, giving it a haircut instead of taking the whole plant. This allows it to grow back, causes minimum disruption to the ecosystem and allows us to come back for more a next time! And did you know that our seaweed farm is the equivalent of an artificial reef, providing habitat, shelter and food for many different sea creatures, including commercial fish? Our dedication to the environment was recognised in 2017 when we received the Cornish Sustainability Awards for best contribution to a sustainable food economy.

To shop their produce, click any photo.